Brief Foray into Quantum Mechanics
To build an understanding of quasiparticles, we'll need to take two principles from quantum mechanics: quantization and particle-wave duality.Yes, you and I can be described as waves, too. What's different is that the wave's wavelength is inversely dependent on your mass, which means that even though electrons can tunnel through walls, you and I will have no chance of doing the same.
Holes and Lattices
With that out of the way, we can start talking about our first quasiparticle: the hole.The Phonon and the Cooper Pair
We can apply some of the same logic we did to the photon to vibrations in the lattice, also known as heat. It has finite chunks of energy, like the photon, that we can superimpose, and it travels around a lattice like a ripple in a pond. As such, we can define the phonon as a new quasiparticle that represents these vibrations.