As many know, during the past week, several older members of the Community have returned and are celebrating their nostalgia. With the mix of ages and backgrounds that naturally comes with members spanning 16 years of the Community, there will obviously be different perceptions as to how one should conduct oneself in an online community like this.
I've been receiving a flood of complaints across multiple media channels regarding clashes between various members and admins. Some of these have been trivial, some absolutely valid, and some just absurd. Here are some examples of what I have received:
* Inappropriate content in blogs from 13 years ago
* Nonsensical blogs being re-featured
* Self-featuring of blogs
* Un-featuring of blogs
* Deletion of old blogs
* Deletion of new blogs
* Inappropriate conduct in general chatrooms
* Inappropriate conduct in age-rated chatrooms
* Minors sneaking into age-rated chatrooms
* Bullying
* Disagreements with admin promotions
* Disagreements with admin demotions
* Disagreements about bans/kicks
I can't micromanage everything that happens. That is why admins and overlords exist.
Receiving a constant flood of messages and screenshots complaining about other members just becomes noise, and I'm less likely to take any action than if I receive occasional messages concerning the most egregious of actions. Trying to "cancel" a member over a blog post from a decade ago that used a term deemed inappropriate today in only specific cultural slang is an example of such noise. Trying to get an admin demoted after getting banned from the chatrooms is another example. I could give plenty of other examples.
I also don't care what is happening in the unofficial Discord communities. I left those long ago because some of the content was so toxic and vulgar and so focused on bullying that I would've demoted every admin and overlord and started fresh if it happened here.
Please have some discretion with your actions here, and don't be afraid to call out those who are conducting themselves in manners you believe to be inappropriate. There are members of all ages, cultures, backgrounds, religions, belief systems, ethnicities, etc., in the Community. Please take that into account when sharing contents and making posts. People will have disagreements, but there's no need to turn those toxic. It benefits no one to share content for the purpose of riling up anger among members.
If there are major grievances, please still take them to me through text, email, social media, or wherever. I just don't need the flood I have been getting.
I don't think there was meant to be a argument here (not that I can do anything about it)
19 Feb 2025 19:03
In reply to JinxCade
I cleared away some of the back-and-forth comments here BTW, although I left my one suggesting an admin purge--which got over 8 dislikes--because now the whole admin team is suggesting doing the same thing, lol! (Which I kinda thought was funny.)
I said to myself I would stay out entirely of all drama here coming back, and so far I have committed to that, but I will share my two cents here.
To some extent, I get it. We have all grown up and are adults now, and in the large scale of things these are very minimal issues compared to real, serious ones we live through.
However, this place shares a special place in my heart due to the impact it had in my childhood and early teenage years, which is why I care to some extent how it is being managed now and the experience for everyone else. Ever since this community was founded, I felt that admins were selected carefully to ensure they could contribute to the site, act maturely, and foster a civilized and friendly place for everyone else to contribute and have fun. These are very simple requirements for any moderator online.
Unfortunately, Hull, it seems to me that this is no longer being done. If the past few days have been any indication, we have been raided by admins promoted that are unable to partake in the aforementioned simple requirements. It is awfully irresponsible to just brush this off and desire to not be bothered. Since you are essentially the site owner and hold the ultimate authority, this may explain why we reached out to you. Ultimately, you own the site - and the reign is yours. And I respect that, and I understand the need to distance yourself from petty drama. But for us that care about the community, it is sad to see how this is quickly degrading due to poor decisions - such as the need to be promoting new admins based on popularity as it is evident in recent blogs, or promoting admins that are unfit to serve.
Hopefully you reconsider and re-evaluate the recent decision making here. Thank you.
The completely unnecessary reinstatement of all of these OG admins and (worse yet) overlords is the root cause of the problem here. A purge of all recently reinstated admins and overlords will put the entire matter to rest.
(Those without admin powers cannot abuse their admin powers.)
Also, if OG members and/or admins are subject to a different (much looser) set of rules than regular community members, then it should be explicitly spelled out in Paint's terms of membership.
19 Feb 2025 19:01
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I mean, it seems like this idea has increased dramatically in popularity since I posted this, lol! (Things can change so fast these days...)
15 Feb 2025 17:16
In reply to Draconid_Jo
This wouldn't fix anything. This drama is much more than "a bunch of old admins came back and abused their power"
A lot of us are just back for old-times sake and aren't doing anything wrong. You're inflating a personal feud and using it to encompass more than the people involved.
A lot of us are just back to have some old 2010 fun. Sure it was a bit more loose and chaotic than today, but we're keeping it contained to ourselves.
Honestly just wait out the nostalgia nights, it'll be back to the status quo soon. Most of us are too busy for the drama.
15 Feb 2025 17:20
In reply to MoldyLunchBoxx
I certainly hope so, and IK not all of you were doing bad stuff, but the way @UwUQueen was being treated was the biggest thing I have an issue with here, as she (unlike myself) doesn't necessarily have the same biases that I have, and was merely trying to enforce the rules of the website as they are presently written.
(And she's an OG too, and she shouldn't be banned for just doing her job.)
15 Feb 2025 17:45
In reply to Draconid_Jo
She made an attempt to enforce no swearing, which hasn't been against the rules for many years at this point. I had to repeat this point several times before either you or her even acknowledged it. I don't agree with how she was treated either, but don't act like she did absolutely nothing wrong.
15 Feb 2025 18:28
In reply to IblisFlare
Yeah, but she only banned for ableism and other more serious offenses, and in just the few screenshots I've seen so far there were people describing sex acts, making blatantly racist jokes, and some other pretty vile stuff. (And based on the ban logs, none of it was actually being punished by the other adnins there.)
15 Feb 2025 16:14
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Also, due to her consistent track record of enforcing Paint's terms of membership and standing up to abusive admins, I would suggest making @UwUQueen an overlord.
(And the community agrees with me.)