Alright- so, you have noticed as of yesterday that friend requests were fixed, thanks to me, it was a issue that was overlooked, I won't say who did it, but they made it by mistake. So sorry that any new member as of July 2024-Feb 2025 couldn't add anyone and had to to deal with no friends until then.
Now that you can add people, PMing new users (or users not added before the bug existed) is possible, to do so, either go to the homepage and click the email icon next to someone's name or go to someone's profile and click the email icon in the "Friend" section (if they accepted it).
Future plans?
I would love to fix other long-time bugs that impair usability, like group bugs
After these fixes, I would try to help Hull with other plans he may have, like finishing TMJ or help "modernize" Paint in the way he described in his latest blog
Also, final thing, if you would like to help, ask HullBreach, through email or Twitter, all you need to know is: PHP, MySQL, HTML, JS and CSS