And then i forgot it.
But then i wrote this and thought, "i should write an ADD rant.
So sit down, shut up, and eat ur veggies... its rantin' time!
ok... add. If you didn't know, ADD stands for Attention Defecit Disorder. but you should know that, everyone does!
I have ADD(could you tell?) and i hate it.
i wonder if there is a god, why he would make ADD.
He probably thought this:
"Ok, so ive made light, air, earth, life, now i've made sin... hmm.... what to do? *taps finger on desk*...Oh. My. Me.
I've got it! i'll just replace normality with ADD so in addition to being condemned to hell, ADAM and EVE won't be able to focus on anything!
ha ha, serves 'em right for eating that apple!"
which sucks. and makes no sense at all... why ADD? couldn't he have made something else wrong instead? and what kind of name is ADD? does it mean i should be good at addition? no!
GAH! *inhales deeply*... *exhales*
ok im done...[endrant]