ok so today i wake after just over 5 hoursof sleep to realize that im getting shots... i hate needles i dont like the fact they stick something in you and inject u with stuff. but im just going to be a man and not complain i got to the office to take my mind off it and i just relaxed, doctor put the needle in took it out before i even realized what had happened, the next day, my arm is bruised-.- thxx doc
I went to the allergy doctor last week, the injected my back like ten times and my arm like 21 times i hated it so much.. doctors are okay.. its the nurse that injects you.....
I HATE the doctor! And I do anything and everything to get out from going! Same with the dentist. I got out of going to the dentist for 10 YEARS! Then I went and I had no cavities! (YAY!) Now I have a dentist appoimtment on October 14. That is going to be easy to get out of! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!