KoD here with week 9 of these blogs. The tournament is going great, we're down to 4 trainers: The Ram, RVaL74, RED Lunarian and ZerstorenHV. That means it's the semi-finals! This is anyones game right now so without any further delay lets get to it.
-RVaL74 challenged KingofDarkness to a battle four times, and he lost each battle! Better luck next time RVaL74.
Poke finder!
-Tora.Silver is looking for a male Slakoth and a male Smergle, any level will do but prefferably a low level.
The part you have all been waiting for,the Semi-Finals!
heres whats going down,
-RVaL74 vs ZerstorenHV -The Ram vs RED Lunarian
good luck, may the best trainer win play fair, and have fun!
.riku22 is hosting a tournament and I am co-hosting it. If you would like to join, please contact him imediatly!
For more tournament info and details click here! thats it for this week. Again, as always, I am looking for new members to make more an bigger tournaments! so please join by leaving a comment.
Until next time, stay safe and don't get in trouble