In a wolf pack there are two Alpha wolves who are the leaders. The other members of the pack are mostly their offspring. They are the oldest wolf in the pack.
Beta wolves are second in command, and tell the other wolves what to do if the Alphas are on a hunt. There is usualy only one Beta in a pack but there can sometimes be two. Life is quite good for a Beta, because they get to eat after the Alphas, and when times are very good they may even be allowed to have pups of their own!
Unranked wolves come between Betas and Omagas. They include:Hunters are the biggest, strongest and fastest wolves, and are more likely to be taken on a hunt. Wolves that fight rival packs, also big, strong and fast. Scouts, wolves that find out about new wolves in the area, and any wolves gone so they can grab some more territory.
Omega wolves are the wolves at the bottom of the heap. They are sometimes picked on by other wolves, and leave the pack. They become lone wolves.
Lone wolves are packless wolves that roam the wild lands having to hunt on their own, and scavage other animals left-overs. They are less likely to catch something big. If they find another lone wolf of the opposite gender, they can start their own pack.
If a rival pack comes into another packs territory, they might try to take some territory from the other pack.