Theres a time for everyone
For their time on Earth to be done
We are all gonna die one day...
No one on Earth will forever stay...
Savor your last moment before you go...
You might go to heaven,you know
Have more fun than you ever had!
Maybe you won't feel so bad!
Do something genourous before you die...
Clear your mind about where lie...
People become alive
No one will always survive...
One day...everyone will pass away
It's impossible to always stay...
Live your life full to the very end
You won't regret this my friend
Spend your life wisely and well
Don't just moan,sulk and dwell...
Don't focus on your ending...
Be careful on the life your spending
Just focus on your living...
Be thankful and be giving...
Before your last day...
On Earth one day...
It's your last fate...
Spend it well before it's too late...