I made Edward sit behind me. My plan worked. Our class watched a movie. I talked to Edward about stuff. Yep. You heard me right.
There's one thing that annoyed me. It's a girl named Addie. She asks Luke for a pencil. Plus she mentioned Luke's name repeatedly in a super-annoying voice. Yeah, you might think this isn't a big deal, but I have EPD. I sure hope Addie doesn't have that. The girl behind her, Rachel, knew I have EPD. She probably told Addie.
Addie asks Luke if he wants his pencil back. Luke said he didn't care, but Addie gave it back anyway.
I had Luke's pen in my pocket. I mentioned his name. "Luke..."
"What?" he asked.
"You forgot your pen last Friday."
"I don't care."
"I have it."
"Wait which one?"
I got the nice black pen out of my pocket and showed it to Luke. He wanted it so I handed it back to him.
Lol I feel loved when I have that pen. Now it's gone. There are tears in my eyes. :'(