Jesus died for you. For YOU! And what do you repay him? Hm...let's see... You repay him with hatred, lies, and everything he WOULDN'T do to you. You all know your life or death situations right? You might've fallen off your bike, almost cracked your skull, well ya didn't ya didn't die when it happened 'cause God was there with you. "Well why did he let it happen to me?" Well maybe to teach you somthing in the later life, maybe that story would make you a millionare. Wanna know the truth about eveloution? The devil can posese people, he probably possesd some crapped-up statue worshiper to make that rumor. It's not real! The devil is very smart, but dumb also, he probably knew that that one little rumor, would be a link to a whole fox news fact. he probably just got over 5 million people to rot in hell because of that rumor. if you want to go to heaven, have the time of your life, which is eternity, right now, put your hand on your heart, say: Lord Jesus, I accept as my Lord and savior this very moment, I am sorry for my sins, plaase wash them away. Say it like you mean it guys, your life will change! You will change! If you said those words and meant it, you are officialy, one of God's childs. God bless you.
Sigh... Stop with the religion. Share that with other people you know that are not "Christians" This is maybe why your blog isn't featured. -.-' I'm just trying to keep you away from getting ban. ):