I'm just here 2 tell some of u about Runescape. (If u never played the game)
Well, Runescape is a very addictive MMORPG game where u can battle, complete quests, make a ton of cash, and a whole bunch of skills such as mining, woodcutting, cooking, construction (Members only), and many more! Skills are for making cash, weapons, food, furniture, ect.
Okay, Runescape allows u to join clans, trade items, and sell items. One of the biggest Runescape buildings is the G.E. (Grand Exchange) Here, you can sell and purchase items for quite some cash. The G.E. is a very good way 2 get rid of garbage, make m0ney, and obtain items.
Well, that's all i'm saying about Runescape. I would create an account if ur bored. It's quite fun.
My charecter's stauts are...
Name: DreadKing83
Armor:Black set
Weapon:Black Longsword
Type of Combat: Warrior/Archer
Clan: the resistance
Strongest Fought Monster: Lesser Demon