You turn the dial
and it comes to life
then someone starts singing
about how they can't stand the hype
How they're sick of this world
and the people in it
They're the one's with money
but they can't stand living
in a world with poverty
a world full of hurt
most of them only care
about the cash and their shirt.
How they've got it tough
because they can't catch a break
but they never look down
at the ones who can't fake
singing before crowds
to "earn" million and billions
while our days are numbered
wasted while we're filling
them with hours of true work
blood, sweat and, tears
never take a breath
fighting through our fears.
Sympathy we need
the love not the hate
so stop running from what scares you
don't shy away from shame
do what others don't
blaze yourself a new path
build yourself up
it's your decision that lasts.
Don't be them
don't follow me
be yourself in your eyes
then yourself you'll truly see.