A follow up to Waffle King's blog.
After reading this blog you may start to experience a high level of maturity. Other side effects are you may crack up like Humpty Dumpty or become much more responsible. u may also stp tlkin lik dis
Doods, this isn't cool. I'm not just writing this blog about admin drama. ALL drama applies to this blog.
Scene 1:
emoguy1: doods im cuttn miself bc mi gf on hre brok up wit mi
emogurl: im sry james, i rly like him
emoguy1: no its 2 l8
RandomUser: ZOMG get outta here noobs.
emogurl (To RandomUser): shut the [insert bad word here] up imma cum 2 ur house nd slice ur neck
RandomUser: WHOA.
This happened to me. Yes, I am RandomUser. As you can see, I am starting off with user drama. It's stupid, kiddos. You're boyfriend broke up with you, whoop-dee-doo. Get over it. It's not like you were going to MARRY him. Even if you were dating someone in real life, and they broke up with you. Don't bring it here. Some people are actually here to have fun. F-U-N. Even if you bring it here, take it to another chat room. Does this need to happen? What if nobody dated online, there wouldn't be any of this. I'm not saying not to date online, it's your choice. Nobody wants to hear it, though. So save it. My rating:
Scene 2:
hotguy1: omg crymsonliynn is so gay lets all spam her profle wit bad commnts so shell leeve teh site.
CrymsonLiynn: Nice plan. Saying it when I'm right here. I don't care if you hate me. If you hate me, keep it to yourself. Spamming it in the chatrooms won't do you any good.
hotguy1: Oh yeah? you think ur so tuff? ban me [insert bad word here].
CrymsonLiynn: Noob, you just gave me a reason to ban you.
Author's Note: I love CrymsonLiynn. Crym if you read this don't take any offense. To prove it, I am the FOUNDER, of the CrymsonLiynn fan club.
Crymson Liynn Fan Club
Now back to the blog!
I've seen something like this happen to Crym, I kinda tweaked it to get the person banned, but still. Harassing admins? Trying to create major beef with admins? This is still drama. Commenting bad things on EVERYTHING they do? Drama. You're not going to get anywhere with it. Eventually you'll go too far and you'll be perma'd. So therefore, my rating for this surpasses stupid:
Now, for what we have all been waiting for.. Admin Drama!
It's not really helpful for me to write this, seeing as I have never been in an "admin meeting" as the Oh So Great One Zesty King, referred to. But srsly guise, it's unneeded. Another admin is promoted, and you really wanted that job. You go on a rage and start swearing at HullBreach. You rage at every who tries to talk to you and say how your life sucks. You start the gossip. You say, I heard the so and so is too poor to afford a 3DS. Back in '09 he was really bad so he doesn't really deserve it.
Who cares?
They were promoted because HullBreach thought they deserved it. Unless they actually do abuse it and HullBreach catches them, let it go. Period.
And what's the point of gossiping about them? Won't they find out eventually anyways? This is the internet, mortals. Every thing is leaked, eventually. And admins, you don't like another admin, so what? You don't have to go around looking for their alts to get them de-admined. You don't have to watch EVERY single thing they do to try and get them de-admined. You don't have to bring what they said on ANOTHER website here just to make them lose their powers. It's foolish. Everyone can tell you're trying. Even if you're not an admin, and you go around saying "spamming is against the rules. Admins are promoted as needed, so there is no need to ask!" Dude, this is called mini-modding. Sure it's okay once in a while, but if you do it constantly it gets annoying. It's alright if you're not making it obvious you're trying to become admin. Also, don't spoil the admins. Don't let them think you can do everything for them. I haven't seen admins like this yet, but still. Admins have jobs. Let them do it. Therefore, my rating is:
Entire drama into one rating:
I guess this got a little side-tracked. But thanks for reading. =D Ciao.
Also I would like to take this time to announce that I am a father with my girlfriend MoldyLunchBoxx. Heehee.
I hate it when a group of people just gang-troll someone into a fit of rage to try to get them to say something bannable. Usually this is done by admins seeking a promo, or mini-mods who run around making it quite obvious that they have nothing better to do than ruin people's day to have their username change colors.