If you are like most teen girls, you are going through hell. Boys, school, friends, family, ″changes″, whats in, whos dating who ect... It seems like every little problem turns into a war. Every person is a tiger, ready to attack its pre. Every second is a minute. Each guy is either eww or ohhh. Well im here to tell you that you aren`t the only girl on Earth thinking the same thing. Girls are age are to caught up in the last moment, not this monment. We watch and act towards what everone else is doing. Us girls need to understand that every little thing that gose wrong isn`t the end of the world, just the beganing. You see girls are age are like flowers, if we are cared for, we blosm and turn into the stong indepent woman, if we are put away in that cold lonly conor, not being cared for, we die or fall and stay that way. Every single problem/fight isn`t life changing. It is only a stepping stone to the sulaution. So, as you read this I hope you learn a thing or to. Thanks:]