I loved this guy and were not 2gether anymore but now all i have of us is memories...c i treasure the 1s when we laughed and had fun, when we were in fights and when we were just hanging out...i love looking back on those and i just sit there and think, dang i had the time of my life, and i just laugh...i will always rember those times...im still friends with him and always will b...
things happen for a reason, some ppl just tease an, u think u have their heart, but it never ends well, if u cant tell, ive went throug it too, im just lik u, iv screwed up before, i dont even kno who am i no more, just som overly loving whre, sick and tired of going through this sh*,drop it and leave it,mayb thtl make it so i can see tht, noneof thm were the one, u think its fun, when its just begun, but thn yur done, what do i hav to believ in.