So I have about three or four ds games that can connect online via wi-fi. Everytime I try to connect I get an error message that says no access point in range, yet I know there is because I can get online with both my DSi and my 3DS. I am suspecting that it may have something to do with the fact that I am connecting through a hotspot and not a normal wi-fi router. This only happens with Warioware DIY and Spore Creatures. The other two games are Toy Story 3 and Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge, and I can connect online to Dgamer with them. The only thing that frustrates me with the latter of the four games is the significant changes Disney has made. Now members can no longer use free chat and can only use pre approve phrases and emoticons. I did some research a while back and found out they changed because people were not nice to each other. I think those members should have been banned or should have been allowed to only use safe chat. I just checked on Dgamer less than an hour ago and it is really boring without the use of free chat. Now, back to my main point. I really cannot figure out how to get online with the other games. If anyone knows what may be thhe problem I would really appreciate the help. Thanks!
If you have an access point on 4-6 on your DSi, you wont be able to get online with games designed for dslite and ds because thoses systems only were compatable wit the slots 1-3 (non advanced connections) connection type.