I've decided to make a riddles blog for people to have a go and see if they can guess what I am describing. Answer in comments. I shall reveal the answers in a few days. Enjoy.
1. What starts with T, ends with T, and contains T?
2. What gets wetter as it dries?
3.What has a bed but never sleeps? What has a bank but no money?
4. Two fathers and two sons go to a pub, they each order a drink, but only three drinks come but they all have a drink each. How is this?
5. What has a face but no eyes? What has two hands but no fingers?
Okay next riddles post will be easier. Moving on to the answers.
1. Tea
2. Towel
3. River
4. 1 grandad, 1 father & 1 son
5. Clock
That's it! Okay, I shall try to give easier ones next time.