Hello, everyone. I come to you today with some very serious issues regarding this community. It saddens me to have to do this, but things cannot go like this any longer. Something must be done.
This may come as a surprise to you at first, but once you've had some time to take it in I know you'll see things for what they are. Feel free to take a moment to ready yourself for what I'm about to tell you.
The site has been taken over by evil wizards and witches!
Yes, it's true! Since the very beginning, there have been evil wizards and witches casting some sort of black magic on our beloved site! Search yourself for you know it to be true!
This makes perfect sense! In the chats, on the BB, in blogs, on the Saviis menu, in the paintings, and everywhere else all across the site, there's black magic cursing all the users and even infecting many of us, turning us into hideous, mindless creatures!
This black magic brings us mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical harm, causing us to fall into hopeless, depressing, and painful slumps for hours, days, and months at a time! It strikes illness into the pit of our souls and stomachs, it fills us with anger and frustration, and it brings us to the point of self-harm and self-hatred! This is a huge problem and is only worsening from the spread of the infection from user to user like a plague.
How do I know this is what's happening? I'll tell you, and you'll see that the evidence has been in front of you all this time.
The first time I visited the BB I was happy and excited about what I might find there. I thought that I could safely look through all the interesting and fun threads people had made and were having civil, intelligent discussions on. I was a fool. What I found instead was something horribly unspeakable; when I looked on the threads and read through the posts I found not smart talks or funny replies but evil and wicked posts that caused my arm to rise of its own will and then procede to smack me on the forehead with my palm over and over again as I read each terrible cursed post.
As time passed I found this same sickening occurrence everywhere I looked. And not just here either. The wizards and witches have taken over nearly every site on the web, spreading their curses and harming people with this "face palming".
I know I'm not the only one who knows about this. People have even come up with a term to refer to those cursed by the wizards. I might be off here, but I think the word is somthing like... gremlin... or gargoyle? Or was it troll? Who knows, that's not what's important here. The point is that if you find an evil wizard or a troll you need to stop them.
Sure, some are amusing, and we need a few around to keep things interesting, but there are simply too many. They breed too much and end up with some really terrible and stupid results. We must fight back for both our sakes. I hear fire is effective at stopping these monsters. Do your part, fellow Paint users. Save our site. Thank you for reading, and good luck.