What is a Boomerang?
A Boomerang is an aerodynamic instrument that you throw, known as the throwing object that comes back to you.
Where are Boomerangs used today?
In Australlia, throwing Boomerangs is a sport, known there as "Boomeranging". The object of the game is to get your Boomerang the farthest out of your competitors.The competitors come from all across the world.
Where are Boomerangs made?
In another part of the world Boomerangs are made in Italy. Old Boomerangs or tourist Boomerangs were made out of wood, today's Boomerangs are mostly made out of plastic. The most famous Boomerang company is LMI Fox a company which ships all across the world.
Can Boomerangs be dangerous?
Boomerangs can be very dangerous if not handled properly, if your Boomerang goes haywire make sure you cover your head. It is safer to practice away from any amount of people.
Are there different types of boomerangs?
There's a huge array of Boomerangs out there! They all vary by size, color, weight, and distance. There are short distance Boomerangs and long distance ones, but the short distance ones are more for like an inside gym or a yard.
Where did Boomerangs orginate?
Boomerangs did not nessasarily originate in Australia like we thought, but rather what we see as Boomerangs were discovered all around Europe as old as 18,000 year old Boomerangs.
Who invented the Boomerang?
Nobody really actually invented the Boomerang since it has been found all over the world, but with what history tells us we can assume that the Europeans were the first people with Boomerangs, not as a sport then, but as a weapon.
Where to buy it
You can't buy it anywhere else but the internet on this website.
Go buy one here: lmifox.com