By: DoomsDayMonkie
DoomsDay is takin the mic.
He's makin it right.
You better be shure of it.
Know, that time is tight.
Ya better be in sight.
And belive in the un-belivable.
I will show you,
The universe and everything in it.
You will know who,
Is the boss and who will win it.
Ya see,
Time is a bendable thing.
Its like the spoon,
If ya know what I mean.
Ya see,
Its not about me,
But insted what ya gonna see.
Don't trust me?
I don't care.
But come with me,
And you'll see,
The biggining,
The end,
And the middle of the story.
Climb in my box,
And time will be your ally.
--I am not finished yet, but I will finish once I have more insperation... It is suposed to be about Doctor Who.... Well, thank you for reading, and I hope you liked it...