Hey. I know, I haven't written a blog in a while. I just never had anything to talk about. Well, now I do. Remember how I said I asked M to the dance? Remember how he said yes? Well, guess who forgot to buy his dance ticket? Guess who also did not bring money so he could buy one? Yep, M. I was fine with it because B was going to be there, but last-minute she had to do something else right after school. It's fine... I guess. J and friend M were there. Good, right? Sure... I hated it. I was bored out of my mind. So, ya, it was not worth the $3. I should have gone to chess club instead. That's right, I'm in chess club. Deal with it. Anyway, I guess I'm over him. You want to know his name, or the name he goes by? (He hates his real name) Here:
Ha ha ha, jk :p
That's him. So, M, if you lied to me about having any social media and you have a DSipaint account, I hope you know that all of this was about you. Have fun with Mo,