They're in a room. Alone. No one loves them. They have been alone their whole life.
But someone was there. Maybe a little late, but there. They picked the other up, gave them a hug, and flew away. They helped them carry on.
Heartbroken. Alone. Curled up under the covers crying their heart out. Hating themselves.
But someone was there. To curl up next to them. To give them warmth. To reassure them that they were needed.
A knife. Alone. Inching closer. Alone. Darkness. Hell dragging them down. Alone.
But someone was there. To put the knife away. To push the devil away. To promise that they belonged in this world.
They're in a room. With someone. They love them. They had someone their entire life. Someone was there. Maybe a bit late, but there.
Always there.