Hello. I am Rainbow. I am an emotional wreck. I am confused. I am tired. I am weird.
But aren't we all? Don't we all have emotions that mess with our soul? Our life? Our sleep? But this is about me, for once. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. I'm tired of people not listening.
I used to be trusting, used to be nicer. But too many people have broken me down. Best "friends," parents, regular friends. I have slowly died until I've become what I am now, a girl leaking meaningless tears at 2 in the morning.
I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. My voice is often shot down. The person I look up to the most is leaving. I'm going to be alone and I can't handle that. And I'm so happy that they're leaving to an amazing collage, but they're leaving me behind.
I lie so often about being ok. It's because I don't want people to think that I'm a whiney brat. That's why I'm writing this, to get my emotions out, both on the screen and on my pillow. Things are changing and I'm not ok with it. Sometimes I wish that I could sleep all day just so I can avoid life.
There are only so many people I feel safe with. Pretty much just two of my friends. One from kindergarden and one from first grade. And I'll lie to them, but I'll lie less often. I'm not saying that everyone else doesn't know who I really am, it's just that they don't know how I really feel. It's easy to fake emotions when no one sees your face.
I'm sorry. I know that everyone else here has more problems than me, but I need to let my emotions out. I need to do what I do best, write a blog without any proofreading. Without any going back to add juicy details. I'm not even gonna feature this, it's mostly for the people who care enough to go on my profile to see my things. I'm just upset, you know? The stupid weight is back on my shoulders, but I don't know what to do besides tell myself that I'm fine. So... I'm fine.
Don't worry... and don't lose faith in the world quite yet.
While some horrible and/or ignorant and/or insensitive people would call you a whiney brat for just telling them how you feel, rest assured that you're rezlly not (as Flarezz has said) and remember that not everyone is like that.
'I know that everyone else here has more problems than me'... why would that matter? We're always here for you when you need us.
I've felt like this a few times, and it's crushing inside, gut just remember that while the world is an ever-changing place and some of those changes will make you sad, the world can be whatever you make it.
Sure, you may, for example, be dumped by this guy you really liked, but you know what? This just means that sooner or later, you'll meet the person that you'll truly love.
There is always a bright side to things, even if it's not immediately visible, as it may pop up days, months or even years into the future, but remember that it will come.
Believe in yourself. "I'll get through this" - and never forget that we'll support you all the way. If you ever have any questions or need some support... well, we're your friends, and if we're not for that, what are we for?
Don't worry... you're not a whiney brat. You should tell us when you're hurting, when you're down... because we'll always have your back. Life is hard and it really sucks sometimes, but there will always be that one beam of light shining through. I hope you feel better c:
04 Aug 2016 08:17
In reply to redflarezZ