Stars at night
Are so nice
like little lights
they shine so bright.
The moon is round
plain and grey
it spins around
night and day.
The sky is vast
with many colors
I've seen it's past
will I see its future?
Water flows
and water falls
it rests and shows
your reflection.
Fire, fire burning
never, never stopping
crackle, crackle, crackle
until its all in ashes.
Floating down
gently, swiftly
the death of me
means cold is near.
goes the rain
goes the thunder
goes the lightning.
Petals shine
in the light
so silky and dainty
their whole life.
Nothing can break me
for I am invincible
I am a dazzling thing
that's hidden from sight
a rarity indeed
but the stubborn shall find me
if they try hard enough, that is.
I am tough
but can be broken
I can bend over
but not break
I can float
but also sink
what a confusing thing.