Hello all, there has been a recent influx of alt accounts being made, and it's hard to get in contact with everyone about them. So, I decided to write this as a reminder to everyone.
Here are some rules for alt accounts. The same applies to the accounts of siblings and friends:
No alts for ban circumvention
Whether you're permabanned or 24-hour banned, do not think for one second that you can get around it. We know when you make those accounts, and doing so will immediately get your alternate account deleted, and may extend the length of your ban.
No impersonations/pretending to be someone else
Multiple times I've seen people attempt to frame others or use an account to talk to people in another way than they usually do. When you use an alt account, you're still you, that should be publicly available information.
If you are caught doing either of these, the alt account will immediately be terminated.
And, if you have an alt, we'd appreciate it if you followed these as well:
Don't use it to promote yourself/others, or skew votes
I've seen accounts made for the intention of upvoting their own blogs and leaving positive comments, essentially allowing that person to give 2 votes.
Don't pointlessly alternate between accounts
Some users will use both accounts actively for no good reason, sometimes at the same time. It's just confusing and disorganized to other members. If you need to talk to someone, use your main account.