I don't think many users of DSiPaint know this website but it's a very good site to make your own blog...
It's a french site but you could put the language on English (or Spanish, French for Canada, etc...).
Actually i've made my own blog since 1 year n' i've meeted a lot of interresting blogs and blog-owners ;D !
Well i think everyone know how works a blog x) ! So it's not a simple blog-related website, for exemple you could see (on the first page) that they are somme "Blog-Stars" (they may very very interresting... or not xD !) ; you could listen some playlist 'cause you can create a music-blog ; you can watch videos of youtube, Dailymotion, etc... or homemade-videos of the owners ; etc...
So now you can expect that's a website to try ! Oh, i was fogettin' this : if you want to find me on Skyblogs, just write (in google, or others sites like that) "Philoulefrancais.skyrock.com" n' i'm the first result ! It's in french cuz i'm french but there are many of english content (for exemple the video of "the longest murder" with the killer with the spoon x) !!).