There's still going to be that Battle between me and Luisjo, but before then, (probably) sometime today, I will Battle Dedode3.
The Battle will be somewhat unusual, as I will NOT be using my Main Game, nor my Main Character, but rather a Character of mine named "ヒガナちゃん", who is pictured above.
And as far as I could tell from my subsequent mock battles against it, the following (or something very close to it) is the team that Dedode used against me in this battle:
Togekiss @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Super Luck
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
-Follow Me
-Extreme Speed
The Final Gambit thing wasn't THAT unusual (a little wierd, but I've seen it before), but what was up with that Krookodile?!
At first, I thought you might've activated a Weakness Policy or something (my language was set to Chinese), but upon reviewing the Battle Video in my Main Game, I noticed it said you actually activated Anger Point.
Now, I noticed you hadn't used Laser Focus or anything, so I'm curious: How do you handle it when Extreme Speed doesn't Crit?
Also, I WAS trying to challenge you to a Rematch (who wouldn't after that, lol), but I kept getting Communication Errors, and then one of our (6) free roaming Rabbits decided to climb up on my dad's computer desk (which he sleeps next to), waking him up, and getting me in trouble for not "watching them".
(I have to stand in the kitchen to get a good Wi-Fi signal from the neighbors.)
My parents are SUPPOSED to be going on a shopping trip soon here, so I might get another chance for that Rematch.
Haha that's cause extreme speed always crits. Z-Tailwind is way Superior to Laser Focus: Crit boost and Speed boost + immune to taunt. That way I get to attack first with Krooko and sweep properly. If anything fails I got Xerneas in the back Wich is so OP the game plays itself