Instead, new options became available, such as Draco Meteor (which until Dragon Ascent was added, was my favorite Move), as well as the newly improved Outrage (which was added as a Move Tutor Move in Platinum, which was AWESOME).
In Gen 6, I was REALLY excited about the Character Customization, and a little worried about the addition of Fairy-types, as I was so used to using all Dragon Teams.
Surprisingly, I had little trouble adjusting my all Dragon Teams to handle Fairy-types, and in fact, my Dragons actually seemed MORE powerful.
(Mainly due to Mega Evolution.)
In the Ultra Games, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.
They WEREN'T Sequels, but rather 2 different Remakes, similar to what Emerald and Platinum were to Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl.
My very first pokemon game was Crystal back when it came out and since, I've gone through an played every game up until Black/White. I'm working on playing through what I haven't right now though. Currently playing through X and AS. With my favourite Pokemon being Gardevoir, it took a little to adjust to the fairy typing. I'm still trying to memorize what types fairy is super effective on. I do have fairy types weaknesses memorized however.
06 Jul 2019 09:39
In reply to IblisFlare
Really? Cool!
I didn't know there were other people who played anything before Diamond/Pearl here.
IMO, OR/AS are the two best Games ever made, and X/Y are also really fun.
Although I mainly use Dragon-types, I DO like a lot of Fairy-types as well, with Gardevoir being among my favorites.
(My favorite Fairy-type is Mega Altaria, which is a Dragon/Fairy-type.)
As for Type Matchups, they're good against Dragons, but also against both Dark and Fighting.
That means for a Psychic/Fairy-type like Gardevoir, you don't really have to worry about Dark-types as much, which is cool.
(It also means your a Fighting-type's worst nightmare, lol!)
06 Jul 2019 12:27
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I knew dark and dragon already. Fighting was the only one I didn't. I'm probably still going to find myself defaulting to psychic type for fighting types out of habit. The psychic type has always been my favourite type, and I'm pretty sure you can imagine how hard it'd be to break a habit that's been around for THAT long.
06 Jul 2019 12:58
In reply to IblisFlare
Still, Psychic-type Moves should work just as well in your case.
The only time they wouldn't is if you were against either a Dark/Fighting-type (in which case Psychic Moves wouldn't work, anyway), Psychic/Fighting-type (in which case Fairy Moves WOULD be better), or a Dragon/Fighting-type (in this case, the Fairy Move would just do more damage, but BOTH would be Super Effective).
06 Jul 2019 13:10
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I've never liked two turn moves at all. Any move that has a charge up turn, or a recharge turn I've just never really liked. Solarbeam is about the only exception to this really. I guess any other move that has interactions like solarbeam does with sunlight I'd like as well.
I'm not even aware of many Pokemon that have any of those typings.
06 Jul 2019 13:18
In reply to IblisFlare
There aren't many.
There's only a couple of Dark/Fighting-types (I believe it's just Scraggy, Scrafty, and Pangoro), and not many Psychic/Fighting-types, either.
As for Dragon/Fighting-types, the only ones (as of Gen 7) are Kommo-o, and it's Pre-Evolved Form, Hakamo-o, neither of which are even in Gen 6.
I also liked the Anime Series, and still consider it my favorite Anime to this day.
(Although I don't really get to watch it anymore, in spite of the fact it's on all of my dad's streaming services.)
Also, although I DO still have my Game Boy (somewhere in this mess, lol), the Pictures I used for this are just ones I downloaded to my SD Card online.