Join Avenue and Festival Plaza are really fun to work on, and they can also be EXTREMELY beneficial if used properly.
In these blogs, I'll explain how to take full advantage of these unique in-game locations, starting with Join Avenue. First of all, here is my own Join Avenue setup:
The 3 Raffle Shops are for the chance of getting Master Balls, as well as the lesser prizes (especially the Rare Candies and PP Maxes) that you can also win.
The Antique Shop is there partly because that's what the character from my White Version game happened to have, although I also like to collect Sacred Ashes, Big Nuggets, etc.
The Market is the one that I switch out (which is something I'll explain shortly), and I use it for buying items on the cheap, and then reselling them at a profit at Poké Marts, as well as for buying PP Ups.
The Salon is handy for quickly maxing out Friendship (which is good when you want to teach everything Draco Meteor, lol), and also for lowering my Pokémon's EVs.
(It's easier than using Berries IMO, since you can't just grow them in Gen 5.)
The Café is used primarily for leveling up Pokémon quickly, and it's essentially the same as getting 13 Rare Candies a day.
(It's kinda expensive, but well worth it, IMO.)
The Nursery is EXTREMELY useful for breeding, and the Nurseries in B2/W2 (much like some of the Secret Pals in ΩR/αS) make these some of the easiest games to breed Pokémon in.
Now, let me explain the switching thing.
First of all, you'll want to decide what shops you'll ultimately want on your Join Avenue, and then take your time getting them all, and then (once you have all 8 shops you want) working them all up to Rank 10.
Once you do this, it will trigger a special promotion, that reduces the cost of all goods and services offered at the shops by 50% (with the exception of the Raffle Shops, which give you an extra free raffle each day, instead) for the next 7 days.
Now, on the last day of this promotion (or any day after), you can replace one of your shops with a new one, and begin working it up to Rank 10, and once you do so, it will trigger the 7 day promotion again, and this can be done repeatedly, which allows you to get the benefits of the promotion quite often.
Now, when I first maxed out my shops, I had a Flower Shop in the 5th slot instead, and after working it up to Rank 10, and buying up a bunch of each of the different types of Berries that that particular Flower Shop had to offer, I replaced it with a different Flower Shop, and cycled through them until I had a significant number of each type of Berry.
(It's time-consuming, but it can get you all of the different damage reducing and stat increasing Berries, so it's well worth it, IMO.)
After this, I switched to putting Markets in the 5th slot, instead.
Now, you can make a FORTUNE reselling the items you buy at the Markets, especially if you use that promotion trick.
For example, with the Market I currently have in my Join Avenue, the total cost of all of the regular items (the ones you can buy at other places, such as Poké Marts) they sell each day is 295,140, which gets reduced to 147,580 after the 50% discount from the promotion.
If you resell all of these items at a Poké Mart, you'll get 298,800 total for them, which is over 151,220 in profits, or 1,058,540 total profits by the end of the 7 day promotion!
(And that's assuming you don't even buy the Honeys and Souvenir Sets, and that you sell the Fresh Waters and Moomoo Milks to a Poké Mart, instead of that Maid who buys them.)
Because of this, it's pretty easy to make millions of Poké rather quickly by doing this reselling trick, which can then be used at other shops in Join Avenue, to purchase things like the "Wonder Dinner" at those Cafés, which increases your Pokémon's level by 8, for a cost of (at 50% off) 28,800, which is like getting 8 Rare Candies for 3,600 each!
(Not to mention those PP Ups you can buy at the Markets each day for 3,750 during the promotion.)
I won't get into the Nursery thing too much (I'll save it for my breeding blog), but I'll simply mention that a Rank 10 Nursery can make 6 of any Egg hatch instantly each day, in addition to being able to help hatch many more Eggs each day, which makes breeding Pokémon WAY less time-consuming!
Earning money, leveling up high level Pokémon (which is normally a huge PITN), maxing out your Pokémon's PP, breeding Pokémon, and even getting Master Balls are WAY easier to do if you use these techniques, and with all of that in mind, I hope y'all have fun with your Join Avenues!
The "Keys" in each game are different too though, so you'll probably want to look into that, as well.
Being partial to Challenge Mode and Black Kyurem, I'd probably go with Black 2 myself, although I stuck with White Version, and I don't regret my decision. (You can always get the Challenge Mode Key from a Black 2 player, and the DNA Splicers work the same in both games, so it's just a matter of getting the right Legendary Dragon to get the Kyurem you want.)
23 May 2020 05:02
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Ah, ok. Thanks for the insight!
23 May 2020 05:42
In reply to GuiedGui
Now of course, when talking about newer games within any given Generation, the newer games are almost always superior to the older ones, in almost every significant way.
This is the case with B2/W2 Vs B/W, so unless you're interested in experiencing the whole storyline, playing B/W is kinda pointless if you can get the sequels.
(From a gameplay standpoint, they're better in almost every way, although there is 1 Legendary absent from the sequels IIRC.)
23 May 2020 06:10
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Ah, so go B2/W2. I'll look into it more in-depth, but thanks for the tips!
23 May 2020 06:25
In reply to GuiedGui
And the Legendary I was referring to (which I just confirmed isn't in the sequels) is Tornadus/Thundurus, as well as (the much-beloved) Landorus, which is caught in B/W by using both of them.
Tornadus is only in White 1, and Thundurus is only in Black 1, and Landorus is available in either game, but requires both of the other 2 to catch.