First of all, I would like to thank my mom, not only for enabling me to be able to still come here (including before my 2DS broke), but also for making it possible for me to write this blog, despite my current predicament. (Which I am EXTREMELY grateful for!)
Last Member Appreciation Day, I wrote this blog about the positive impact that Paint and all of my friends here have had on my life, and while everything I wrote in that blog still applies now, I decided to write another one this year.
This year, because of this pandemic, many people have found themselves trapped in their homes - completely isolated from all of their RL friends; and, in some cases, stuck with abusive and/or over-protective parents.
Ironically, the pandemic hasn't affected me and my family very much, as my dad had already been keeping me and my sister here in our house all of the time anyway, ever since my sister's first 2 rabbits had their first litter of kits (baby rabbits), almost 3 years ago. (They were actually born on Black Friday of 2017, IIRC.)
Paint has not only given me a means of escaping the loneliness that I've had to deal with since I was a kid; it has also given me (and countless others here) a way of dealing with being stuck inside all of the time. For this, I am very thankful as well!
As I'm writing all of this RN (on a piece of paper, BTW), my 2DS is currently broken, and yet, even without being able to use it, and without being able to spend nearly as much time with all of my friends here on Paint as I would like to, I still thank God every day for helping me find Paint, and because of that 1 small miracle of His, I'll never truly be lonely again!
"ありがとうございます" means "thank you" in Japanese, and that is precisely why I wanted to write this blog so badly - to say "ありがとうございます" to God, to my mom, to all of my wonderful friends here, and last, but certainly not least, to Hullbreach, the person who created this amazing website that made that small but life-changing miracle possible.
I love y'All, God bless!
—Draconid Joashu
P.S. I'd also like to thank GuiedGui for sharing that ADORABLE picture of Samidare, Dragonair, and Dratini with me, that I used at the top of this blog! ^^