Welcome to SDK's yearly quilt event! 2020 edition!!
It doesn't feel like I've already done this twice, but, here we are haha. I've honestly been a lot busier this year compared to the past two, as I've been involving myself in a ton of art-related projects. Also song trades buuuut that's besides the point.
Honestly 2020 has been crazy so far, so I wouldn't be surprised if no one decides to draw something this year. But, who knows. This year has also been continually surprising.
So for those of you who have never heard of this event, welcome! Basically I try to get everyone together to draw something, once everyone submits their drawings, I'll fit them together, like a huuuuge quilt haha. Plus the website is named Paint, so, it's quite a fitting event (not my idea btwwww).
To participate, simply just draw a piece of artwork related to the given theme & send it to me! I'll drop other ways to contact me down below, but you can just message me here.
If you aren't drawing digitally through DSiPaint or 3DSPaint, please try to draw on a a square canvas if possible. Traditional drawings are also, obviously, accepted.
You also don't have to draw. You could simply edit together a picture, or maybe you wanna do a paper craft, whatever your heart desires!
This is so that members who feel as if they "can't draw" have motivation to participate. Anything you create will be a wonderful addition, so please feel free to do so! I want this to be fun for anyone & everyone in this community.
This year's theme will be space.
Yeah, Among Us is definitely the greatest factor in inspiring this theme haha. It's one of the biggest games right now, so I though, eh, why not?? Plus it's FUN.
But yes, anything related to space-- planets, aliens, constellations, whatever you desire.
Anyways, once you've finished your artwork, or, whatever you've come up with, just send a picture to me in messages.
Either upload it to the site & give me the tag number, or simply link me the painting. If you want to keep your file quality you could email it to me.
The deadline this year will be December 30th
I may extend it by another week though, who knows honestly.
I am leaving this comment here now, to officially request a 1 week extension, because of the RL delays that kept me from working on it all this time.
(All of which were beyond my control, unfortunately.)
alright, i'll change the deadline to the 30th y e s
19 Dec 2020 16:35
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Thank you SO MUCH, and now that I have more time to work on it, I'm certain that I'll be able to finish it properly! (And it'll make it easier on my dad, too.)
01 Oct 2020 17:33
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Your welcome! hope o see it there! ill have my sis make one, shes not allowed to go on here anymore, @Peppercorn256 (she was caught) but ill send it to you (expect a triangle cat in space)
03 Oct 2020 01:59
In reply to Gemini Guardian
I'm planning on trying to do my drawing on paper this time, BTW, and uploading it either via my 2DS (if it's been fixed by then), or via Mom's BlackBerry, if necessary.
(The latter of which may be complicated.)
Still, I refuse to not try to participate this year, especially after hearing the theme! (I know exactly what I want to try to draw.)