Well, my dad knows what I've been up to here on Paint now, and to my pleasant surprise, he's actually OK with it! My dad may be is definitely a scary guy, but he does love me, and he does care about me, and I thank God that he does!
He's disappointed that I wasn't honest with him about all of this stuff, and with some of the things I've said on here (regarding our personal lives), but he's made it clear that he respects me as an adult, and that he respects my rights and my privacy, provided that I respect his rights and his privacy as well, and he's even willing to let me continue coming here and doing things, as long as I'm willing to do so. (And hey, I get to show off my blogs to him now too, lol!)
He's said that I won't be allowed to log in for awhile, as punishment for betraying his trust, but he's being EXTREMELY reasonable about all of this (especially considering some of the things that I've said about him on here, lol), and I'd like to publicly thank him for doing so.
Also, with regards to my plans to leave home, they're on hold for now because of the Pandemic (although they basically already were), but he's made it clear that he's willing to help me with all of that stuff, as well.
01 Nov 2020 05:37
In reply to cdog3789
Yep, it sure is!
And although he didn't say it himself when I read your comment to him, I'll say "your welcome" to you on his behalf anyway, lol! (I'm sure that he meant to say it.)
it reminds me of when i told my dad about paint, & how he was completely fine with it. it was a good surprise
01 Nov 2020 05:33
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Yep, it sure is!
I always wanted to be honest with my dad about Paint, but I let my fear (which was based on my incorrect assumptions about how my dad would react to me talking to people) cloud my judgement, which not only made my life unnecessarily harder, but also caused me to do stupid things, that (in retrospect) I should never have done. (Thankfully, my dad was willing to forgive me after I came clean.)
My dad is a person who values his privacy a great deal, and who prefers to be left alone, but I shouldn't have assumed that he'd be unwilling to trust me, his 26 year old son, to have a social life online.
He's been very understanding of how I feel, and I'm VERY thankful for that.
This seems... a little too happy of a resolution to this problem. I hope this isn't your father speaking because we would have issues if that was the case.
But if everything is true as you say, then I congratulate you! It's good to know that he doesn't disapprove of Paint or you leaving the household. Taking the bold step would have paid off in that case after all.
Let's ignore the fact that the music changed from sad to happy the instant that I learned that your father was ok with that... just a coincidence, right?
31 Oct 2020 05:35
In reply to GuiedGui
Lol, no it's me, and although I'm kinda shocked by it as well, I'm just glad that all of the hiding and stuff is over.
RN, I just got done showing him my profile, and although he thinks that I'm probably a little too into pretty anime girls (which I probably am, lol), he's pretty much OK with most of what I've done on here.
(He doesn't want me talking about RL stuff of course, though.)
31 Oct 2020 05:38
In reply to Draconid_Jo
Well, that's a given; privacy on the Internet is something that's hard to keep. And it's important, especially when not everybody is well-intentioned.
Let's be honest, he watches anime too. It's only natural that you gravitate towards the gender that you're attracted to. Especially when you're in dire straits... just look at me wwwww