The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:[quote]The distinguished oswaldo123 spake:
It's just that I've never heard of them. So if you don't pass a test then you can't go to that school? D:
The distinguished oswaldo123 spake:[quote]The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:<blockquote>The distinguished oswaldo123 spake:
It's just that I've never heard of them. So if you don't pass a test then you can't go to that school? D:
Not really, it's just an ordinary school that wants easy money.But it's better than a open school(those that open saturdays and sundays.) that just steals your time and money.
The distinguished SCREECHiNG FLARE spake:[quote]Not really, it's just an ordinary school that wants easy money.But it's better than a open school(those that open saturdays and sundays.) that just steals your time and money.
Boats and women huh
I read about what I don't know the answer to
The distinguished GEMini GUARDian spake:[quote]Uh
I read about what I don't know the answer to