Any system that didn't have a backlight so you can't game in the dark.
(Ex: GBA)
Well, PS Vita isn't released internationally yet, so in all fairness, I can't say anything bad about it, .
PSX was awesome! D; That is the only PlayStation I can defend.
Well, they're doing Touch controls. They're clearly doing that just to try bingeing off the success of the DS during the Vs. PSP era. The back touch bad, could lead to control issues.
It's not gonna be easy to slip in a pocket because of the Dualshock-esque control sticks.
And finally, a traitor from the Pikmin dev team from Nintendo went to Sony and made a "hardcore" Pikmin. I swear if Sony fanboys say "Nuh-uh, nothin' liek Pikminz" then I will lose it.