Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
I tend to be very critical of games in the horror genre because they are uniformly cheap in how the generate fright, as in the don't create real fear. The simply have things jump out at you randomly, which startles you more than really scaring you. Atmosphere is lacking in most of them. =/
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
Fatal frame IV
God, isnt it just weird i found the disc all scratched outside, then tried it on my wii, and worked?
Luckily,it was english-patched, so i could play it.
Scariest. thing. ever.
i hate these ghost that came out of nothing...
AND..... fatal frame for 3DS.... USING the real camera....
Scary stuff.