If you register your copy of Mario Kart 8 before 31 July, you receive a download code for a free game. North America can pick from New Super Mario Bros. U, Pikmin 3, Wii Party U, or The Wind Waker HD. (Europe gets several additional options.)
The Smash Bros game is definitely going to be great, but due to the 3DS version releasing earlier, the Wii U version will inevitably lose some of its thunder. So they'd better be pushing for bundles hard.
I don't know if bundles will sell more Wii U's. The majority of people who want one should have one by now, unless they are waiting for the new Smash Bros.
I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.
Big news yesterday was GameCube controller compatibility for the upcoming Smash Bros game (as far as I know, not the new controller). A new adapter allows plugging in of up to 4 standard GCN controllers. The announcement was met with a lot of enthusiasm. Seeing as many people don't own GameCube controllers anymore, I expect this means the old controllers will return to shelves, and/or they will be packaged with the adapter.
In clarification, the GameCube controller + adapter combo will be compatible with Virtual Console games. Which seems to strongly hint at GameCube games, but you never know (that is, until you do).
Well, this is a little late, but it's fixed now.
I called Nintendo about it and as soon as I described the problem they said it'd have to be sent in for repair. I guess it's one of their more common problems.