Post your randomest ideas (including illogical) on how to get free iTunes music.
Phone the Apple building Security Guards, say "Your pants are wet. Better go change em!", hang up, wait 30 seconds, call them again, and say "Did you change those pants yet?". After they say no, tell them that urine is a known memory-eraser, and if they don`t change now, they will forget everything. While explaining how it works, send monkeys to the building and tell them to hack the computers and get iTunes to give you free songs. :p my idea is kinda wierd, but that`s the point! :p
I shall hack the DSi until it is nothing but wire and plastic.
throw smoke bombs into the apple head quarters. blow it up. everybody gets mad because they can not download music anymore. when apple gets new people, they will feel sorry for everyone cuz they had to wait so long. they let everyone download 1 free song as a gift.