Well, now that the 3DS is coming out and the DS ill slowly die off, will this be np Sprited/Pixelated games on the 3DS?
Since everyone is rushing to go all "3D" we might see a decrease in Sprited games. And this is bad.
Sprited games had more of an Appeal, I think, and it`s more enjoyable to play too. No confusing 3D textures to worry about an stuffs.
What`s you`re opinion on this? o-o
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road, without being questioned.
You can still have pixelated games on the 3DS. Just think about layers. For example, Super Mario Bros. You can have Mario and the ground and blocks and such up front while you can the clouds and hills way far back. It's still possible.
In the old Super mario 64, the coins and a lot of the background elements are sprites, so maybe 3D games will not destroy the use of sprites altogether.