I have some ideas that could drastically improve profiles:
1.) Have the users avatar next to their user name.
2.) Have a friends page.
3.) Have a link to the user's dsipaint gallery. This could help dsipaintings gain the attention they deserve, and could also help detect inappropriate material. If a user discovers an inappropriate dsipainting, they can easily contact a paintmin, or even better, a report button can be established, which could add a dsipainting to a gallery that only paintmins could access, and be dealt with accordingly, letting those in charge decide if it should be removed from the site.
4.) The ability to use a user's own unique dsipainting as a background. Obscene backgrounds can easily be moderated by paintmins, and if a dsipainting is overlooked, then anyone can just contact a paintmin, or even HullBreach, depending upon the severity of the issue, and the offending user can be punished accordingly, whether they are warned, banned, or even perma'd (oh my!).
If you have any more ideas or comments on the ideas above, please make a post describing what's on your mind.
Great ideas. Here's another: because some users' blog lists are rather lengthy, a button to hide/show a user's blog list. Either that, or a fixed frame and scroll bar would work.
that's a great idea!i know i hate scrolling all the way down past their blogs!that could also work with their comments..hmm..and on the member list on group pages..great thinking guys!
lol..does anyone have any suggestions for improvements?i believe there are maybe 10 unnecessary comments..lol..
also: what if all of the 'my zone' icons stayed on the top of your screen when you viewed your profile and other profiles also?
btw:thanks for not locking this, i think we can come up with some great and helpful ideas for Hull!
^I'm sure many people aren't satisfied with the current wallpaper selection either. :/
The blog list could show the date last updated, rather than the date created. The most recently updated might also be bumped to the top of the list. This might make reading blogs more popular.
i really like the idea of themes, so that when you choose your background in settings, it can be a theme instead..but everyone will find SOMEthing to complain about, so its worth a try..
maybe be able to rate backgrounds (among other aspects), so that Hull knows what to keep, add, and change..
Great!Maybe Hull is keeping an eye on this thread!And this has too many ideas for Helpdesk, and I can't copy and paste the url because I'm on my dsi..Anyone else can, though!
I believe Hull has been checking this thread out, anyway, and I don't think it would be necessary to add it to Helpdesk..Hull does check the BB often..
Well guys, Hull did read this, and promised for more improvements coming to profiles that we should enjoy!I'm excited!
And I do like the idea of blocking people..
Maybe this could slowly shift into a dsi-formatted networking site, kind of like myspace or facebook, with a friends list, statuses..And the bbs, chat, and DSiPaint app could be what makes it better than the other networking sites, and stand out..this could attract bigger companies like Zynga to create free online apps for the dsi if it gained enough popularity..Hull could start an online revolution!He could put the DSi on the map, have everyone buying the DSi just to get onto his site..Would take a few years, but isn't a huge stretch of the mind..Please tell me your thoughts, Hull!