Not very useful, the right way to learn smthing like wordz of this site is to ask for it to others members (that create links, debates and communication will be better).
- interjection
1. A casual greeting between DSiPaint members
2. A suggestion for lurking members to show themselves in a chatroom
3. A miscellaneous alert that one is still present
4. A sigh of frustration
5. A shoutout to all who have seen the movie Blacula
Root word of blarring, blarphemy, blarfignewton and root variant to similar sounding words, such as:
1. Yard sale -> Blard sale
2. Jabari -> Jablari
3. Unbelievable -> Unblarievable
Origin: 2010 by Skunkman. Despite not-so popular opinion, the word was never once said in the movie Blacula but was created as an approximation of what the funkadelic vampire may say off-camera. When saying the word aloud, it is customary to lift the upper lip to expose the canine teeth, similar to a cat's hiss or a dog's growl.