personally i dont like the fact you have to run around and exchange codes to make a match the way [bold] You [/b] want it and the multiplaying with different ppl whose fc you dont have is very limited. and zombies! come on! you SHOULD be able to play with random people around the world. I vote that playing with other people instead of almost always having to trade friend codes should be a mandotory option!! But other than that i think its ehhh ill just stick with its an O.K. game ill give it a 3outof5. How 'Bout you? Do you a gree with me?
in kino de toten 20 is my death round, because i usally play with my older brother and he makes an idiot choice that gets him killed and im left alone running for my life, usally with low ammo
I'm no hero, the real heros won't be comming home.
Nintendo DS: It's alright, they really stepped up on their online gameplay. Though I can't say I'm thrilled with zombie mode. When I kill them, then move toward where their body was I sometimes die. Because of this, I've never made it past round 10.
XBOX: Bouncing Betties!!!
Omg, story, if you know COD, you'll laugh!
My brother and I were playing split screen co-op. When he died, he was holding a bouncing betty. He somehow got the bright idea to throw it exactly where I was. And this was like round 15. Fail!
I kinda want to do Zombie mode with people from around the world with deathmatch.
And yes, it does suck a little for the DS, but it's actually pretty cool.