Announcement: DSi Friendly is now holding a friend code exchange tournament... uhh... thingy! The whole group will be hosted off of me. To go to the wi-fi tournament page just go to Tournaments.htm or go to the home page and click on the tournament banner ad and simply leave your friend code and username in the shoutbox. Just please remember to not use that shoutbox as a chatroom, it is for posting your username and friend codes only. Please note that everybody will need to register each others friend codes for it to work. If anybody joins the game with a bad / inappropriate name will be kicked. Every tournament will be hosted every Saturday 11:00am start at 12:00pm ends at 2:00pm Pac. LA Time Zone. A new game will be hosted every 2 weeks. See you there and have fun!
Announcement: I am sick of all this trash going around DSi Friendly's Chatroom! The chat is now closed temporary until the members area arrives so people will be held accountable for your bans. Some of them were good but 75% of guests kept talking trash. I am not going to be putting my effort into making DSi Browser chat rooms if most of them keep abusing it.