Hello there. As 2010 began to approach its end and I'd had fun on several excellently made DSi websites (DSiCade, DSiPaint, DSiHub, DSiPlaza to name a few), I was inspired to get into web development myself. Thus, for a little while now, GameMasterX, Syed75 and I have been working on a new DSi formatted site-DSiRealms-I thought of the name by the way :3
Currently, the site is under heavy construction (especially the member system), so it's fully functional yet, but there's DSi-compatible (mostly) games to play at the moment. Please wish the Realms team luck as we mske our journey into the...realm :P of web development.
We managed to get on Paint's affiliate page by the way. :D
Be seeing you guys around the site. I'm always willing to chat, help, hang out, and whatnot, as always. (>^_^)>
Taste the Rainbow.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
Oh, and as you can see, lunchmeats101's DSiHub designs are an obvious inspiration to the main page design. Hope it doesn't seem like I ripped him off. :/
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
Hopefully this thread and my info blog gets the message out there. The 000webhost Admins better believe me, otherwise all that hard wordkSyed, GameMaster and I put in will have been for nothing... D:
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.
And by the way, Realms may not be hiring any new Admins for a while do to the fiasco with the last version of the site.
The current Admins are:
Once our user system is set up properly (with a Moderator system implemented), we'll be hiring some Moderators for the site.
It's my job to help the next generation, and set a good example for them. And for that I'll gladly lay down my life.