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Comments for ShaDowTecH
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:58
I would not do that to you! :o -kicks away rope-
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:53
Lol. xD I meant in real life. (:< And even if it was on here I can track you down. ouo
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:49
I will. ouo I will track you down. (:< Then I'll get you when you least expect it. ouo
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:46
You know I would "get" you. x] Anyday, anytime. :b
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:42
Don't make me
"Get you".
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:38
Nyeh. D: Stop it. >.<
the blank person.
07 May 2011 15:34
Shuddup Techy. Dx
the blank person.
07 May 2011 04:14
Yeah I did. xD
the blank person.
06 May 2011 22:32
I did. I just don't get "ticked off" when anyone else says it. Only when you say it. xD
06 May 2011 20:14
lol.! How did ya know, was it that obvious.? >3<
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