Q. Y U NO ACCEPT MI POLL!!!!!?????2222
A. Maybe because I'm not online or something. Also, if there are more than ten pending polls, I may not accept more than ten because then some don't get a chance to be on the featured polls page. I'll probably wait a while then finish accepting/declining.
Q. Y U BAN ME!!!!?222
A. Lolololololol.
Q. How come your profile has the DSiPaint logo at the top? Isn't it considered 'cool' to use CSS to make it invisible?
A. No.
Q. Want me to do your profile? It's really dull.
A. Lagfest. No.
Q. Why do you leave comments saying something negative about my blog?
A. I like to be a positive person. The guidelines on the blogmin page (Which you don't see) say to post a comment (conditionally) saying why the blog was accepted/declined.