It's about a foot wide.
...At the Kansas City Zoo, worst zoo I've ever been too :/
Cat + Fedora
pretty much
The bloom only lasts a few weeks. It's SO pretty. Already, though, the bloom has ended. This bloomed in March.
On my way back from California.
Good times... -_-"
Yay it's my front lawn...
Upon asking for her consent to upload this, she let out a long purr. I think it means yes?
It was a rare occurance that a nice day like this(the day which the picture was taken)occurs during winter, where I live. So I thought I'd take advantage of it and take a shot of the beauty in my front lawn... Looks really neat in 3D if I may say so myself.
I made this with the help of "Under the sea Origami", a nice kit used for making creatures dwelling in the depths.