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Pheonix Wright
Pheonix being very surprised by Edgeworth's evidence.
Your typical charm-chanting (sometimes backstabbing) mage. This particular Mage is named Fred, and he aids The Green Knight in his final quest to save-oh wait...I'm not going to spoil that.
The youngest of the five knights, The Green Night is an eleven-year-old boy who has very recently become a knight. The Green Knight is barely ever mentioned, and gets scared very easily. He is also the stealthiest of the five.
Currently dead, The Golden Night guides The Black Knight and The Blue Knight on their quest to destroy the aliens and stop the end of time. He takes on the form of a creature very similar to Navi, while his two youngest brothers, The Red Knight and The Green Knight stay home, waiting for their brothers' returns.
The older brother of The Blue Knight and The Red Knight, The Black Knight vows to avenge his older brother, The Golden Knight, and destroy the alien life forms that killed The Golden Knight.