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Victor is Gleeok in real life, and Gleeok is Victor in virtual life.
At games (MMORPGS), Gleeok or Victor are usually know as 'Gleerok'
At real life, Victor is a 15 year old Brazilian boy, he is pretty smart but sometimes lazy as hell, he doesn't like sports, but likes to study, Geography, English, History, Portuguese/Literature.
When he is in the mood he writes alot of reflexive texts, as Redaction homework.
Usually, Victor wear glasses at school, to watch TV, and to go out but doesn't wear them at home.
He likes Video games, and pretty much to go out with his friends, to the shooping, frequently, to watch 3D movies.
CAUTION CAUTION!! The Lady in the Image is very dangerous she is a risk to America she's a big time criminal she's mostly known for being an undercover librarian and once the library is closed she goes out and poision's people with her snake ..
Super Powers:-Can lazer people with her fierce eyes,-Read People's minds,-Fly,-Invisibility,
Weakness-Loud Noises , when she hears Loud Noises her snake gets a big headache which means she has no super powers thats why she work at a library