Samantha, SavantInamorata Came in the chat, saying it was about time to start the labor, they were going to see if her body was ready.
Then no more news, until a few hours ago, i was asleep when Daniel, Hullbreach posted the following message on Twiiter:
Gigi has now a new brother, and a very healthy one!
(click on it to see larger)
I know this is a really short blog, but i guess we all should congratulate Samantha and Daniel for having a healthy and beautiful baby, we hope they have time to send us updates, don't forget to leave your message bellow
I'm sorry If this blog isn't desired, i asked members in the chat they all wanted me to make it.
Any child would be blessed to have such caring and virtuous parents as Danny and Sam, all the best for the future, and may you and your children prosper. (:
God bless your family Dan and Sam! ill be prayin for ya! say hi to the baby for me....aww i think im gonna cry!!!! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NAME!!!!! *sob sob sob*
I had to delete your messed up the screen width with !'s o.x
Thank you guys, for your kind words! I'm on my iPhone at the hospital right now and am hoping to go home tomorrow, noonish. Once I get on my laptop there I can write a more indepth blog about the birth. If it hasn't been mentioned here yet:
Mitchell was born this morning at 4:38am, EST. He weighed in at 7lbs 6oz and measures 18 1/2 inches long.
He is very healthy and I have yet to hear him really have a crying fit, very sweet little boy!