Exactly 1 year ago today, I created my account here on 3DSPaint.
How I first came across this website is a bit of a long story, but the short version is that I became frustrated with the difficulty I was having doing certain things (such as downloading images) with my 2DS's browser, which prompted me to do a variety of different internet searches, to look for possible ways around these issues.
I was mostly looking for a 2DS compatible Image Board (the closest I ever came to that was that E-shuushuu website), but during one of my searches, I found this GameFAQs page, and it's how I learned about Paint. (And I thank God that I found that page!)
When I first saw this website, I was amazed, to say the least, not only because I didn't even know that there were websites designed specifically for the 3DS (or DSi), but also by all of the cool things that you could do on this site!
I had tried to set up accounts on different websites before, and there was always something that prevented me from being able to do so.
Oftentimes, it would be because of "Capchas", and such, which just don't work in my 2DS's browser, but even on the sites that didn't use those things (like E-shuushuu), my lack of an E-mail account always made it impossible for me to sign up for them, because they all required E-mail confirmation. (I've since been able to rectify that problem, though.)
Still, although I had prepared myself for more disappointment, I went ahead and proceeded to try to create an account here, and entered a random E-mail in the E-mail field, hoping that this would be the one site that didn't require confirmation.
I was delighted to learn that it actually worked, and that I had FINALLY found a way to talk to other Human Beings! (I was VERY lonely and depressed at the time, and joining Paint very well may have saved my life.)
I was happy, but also a bit nervous, too, not only because of how I know my Dad would react if he found out I was on here (which is still a potential issue, unfortunately), but also because I didn't know whether or not my lack of socialization had turned me into some kinda complete weirdo, who wouldn't be able to get along with other people.
Once again, however, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that people (the people here on Paint, at least) are REALLY kind and understanding, and that I had a lot more in common with y'all than I thought I would. (I even learned there are other people with crazy Parents like my Dad here, too.)
If I remember right, the very first thing I did here was go into the Chatrooms, and I believe that I did sound a bit like an unsocialized weirdo at that point, but the people there at the time didn't make fun of me for it, and were actually quite nice. (Something that I am VERY grateful for!)
Still, it took me a while before I felt comfortable enough to open up to everyone here, but now, I feel as comfortable talking to my Best Friends here as I do with my own Mother! (Which is something I never could've imagined, TBH.)
I think the next thing I did was upload a few Images (the one at the top of this Blog being one of the first 3 I uploaded here), but I also decided to submit my very first Poll here that day, and (later on) at one point, I was even submitting 1 Poll each day! (Something I plan on doing again, some time in the future.)
I later started checking out the Blogs page here, and after seeing how many people here were writing (REALLY good) Poetry, I decided to write my first Poem (which was also something I had never imagined myself doing before I came here), and I was pleasantly surprised (yet again) to learn that I was people here liked it!
I loved writing, and I had always had an interest in it, but I never really had an opportunity to do so IRL, and so when I found out that I was actually good at it (and also just how fun it was), I was thrilled!
Of course the biggest thing Paint gave me was Friendship.
Over the course of this past year, I've made a TON of Friends here, many of whom I think of as sort of a 2nd Family, without all of the problems that my actual Family has.
I've learned a lot of things from all of my Friends here on Paint, about Gaming, Music, Coding, Art, Faith, and many other things, but y'all also gave me hope that I can have a happy life some day, which means even more to me than any of that.
I want to thank all of my Friends here (most of whom are Members of my Group now) for all that they have done for me, and I really wish there was some way that I could repay y'all, for all of the kindness and love that you've shown me here. (And that y'all continue to show me, every time I log on.)
I guess this drawing of mine will have to do for now, lol!
As for when I first joined 3DSPaint (I was using an Old 2DS at the time), it was back in early 2019, when I (miraculously) happened to notice that one of our neighbors had an open Wi-Fi hotspot (which hadn't ever happened before and hasn't since), which allowed me to spend far more time online.
I had previously relied on public Wi-Fi hotspots when my dad would drive around do the shopping (he'd take us all in the car, and Mom would go into the stores and do the actual shopping), but starting sometime around Black Friday of 2017 (when my sister's 2 rabbits had their first litter of kittens), Dad stopped taking us along on his shopping trips, leaving me unable to access the internet most of the time.
(Which I likened to others' experiences with the COVID-19 lockdowns in my 2nd Member Appreciation Day blog.)
Anyway, although I've struggled with depression for most of my life, the stress of being "locked down" inside the house with no ability to get online (which I had primarily done to trade and battle and stuff in Pokemon, as well as to download anime fanart) was really starting to get to me, and it would be a huge understatement to say seeing that open Wi-Fi hotspot there was a ray of hope in an otherwise
Loved hearing about your experience here. I used to lurk around here around 2015 but I forgot my account. Quarantine has brought me back here so I made a new account and chatrooms seem to be quite empty but I'm just loving reading these blogs.
Ironically, my RL situation has been keeping me from being on here as often as I'd like to be, but I'm hopeful that that will change in the near future.
people like you are the reason this site is still up so i respect people like you
02 May 2020 19:19
In reply to magicator
Thanks, I'm glad that you feel that way about me!
I try to spend as much time as I can here, despite how awkward (and dangerous) it is for me, and it's nice to know that it actually makes a difference to y'all.
its sad that no one uses the chatrooms anymore but great blog
02 May 2020 19:17
In reply to Seganerd
Thanks, and I agree about the Chatroom thing, too.
If it weren't for the awkwardness of me doing so because of my RL situation (constant interruptions, and having to hide the fact that I'm online), I'd probably visit the Chatrooms here every day. (It's pretty difficult for me in them as is, though.)
30 Apr 2020 15:56
In reply to StarLien7
You and your sister are 2 of my closest friends here, BTW, and if it weren't for Mimi, IDK if I'd have even been able to make this blog, actually. (I wrote this in 2 separate parts in advance, and Mimi copied and pasted them together for me, so that I could submit it on the 28th.)
aw UwU we love you and we are so glad you are here!
28 Apr 2020 17:23
In reply to heaven.is.a.joke
I feel incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful friends now (including you), and I never could've imagined being so happy about my life before I came here.
For once in my life, I actually feel like I have a reason to live. (A lot of reasons now, actually, lol!)
I'm glad that I have been able to be apart of your life in someway, @Draconid_Jo
I'm also glad to have met you! You're kind!
28 Apr 2020 16:34
In reply to UwUQueen
"I'm glad that I have been able to be apart of your life in someway, @TulipsOfLove "
"I'm also glad to have met you! You're kind! "
IDK, I suppose I should've thought of something more original to say, but literally EVERYTHING you just said I could say about you, lol! (You're a REALLY great friend, you know.)
28 Apr 2020 12:45
In reply to aidansocool
Yep! I saw!
Thanks for telling everyone about that, BTW! (Some people who read this blog might not know about that AWESOME group page you and @popuko115 made for me.)
28 Apr 2020 12:50
In reply to Draconid_Jo